A Quick Note On My Brainstorm Book Posts

(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

My Brainstorm Book posts are done – for now – as of this post. I wanted to explain a bit about how they were part of a larger project.

Lately, I wondered about what I call “bookblogging.” Taking a subject, exploring it in blog posts, and using that as a way to draft out parts of a book. This way I get feedback, I get insight, I share things over time, and thus can ensure the ideas become a more effective book.

Also if it turns out my idea is awful or not suited, well, I learn that too!

My Agile Creativity was the first experiment to do this deliberately (Way With Worlds was a kind of afterthought), and as that book approaches launch, it seems to have worked out. The Brainstorm Book posts here, rewritten and expanded with what I’ve learned, will be another book in a month or two.

I’m not sure if this’ll work, if it’s a good idea, or what, but it’s going to be a fun experiment. I’ll probably be posting more thoughts on what I learned.

– Steve