Turn It Around: Applying Work to Fandom

Are you applying your work lessons to your hobbies?

This may seem like a strange thing to say, especially to the people who use their hobbies tocope with the stress of work.  However if your ambitions are to go from fan to pro, if you want to be a progeek, then you need to learn to apply your work to fandom, not just the other way around.

If there's something you do on the job that you're good at (or in some cases just decent at) consider how you can apply it in your fandom:

  • A good typist can help with program books, website content, etc.
  • A person good with accounting can help with a covention or fansite budget.
  • If you're a manager, why not organize a gaming event or convention?

Applying what you do on the job to your hobbies has several benefits:

  • It lets you get involved in fannish activities at an "experienced" level.
  • It lets you improve your job skills while having fun.
  • It looks good on a resume.
  • It may be useful towards certifications.
  • It lets you take more enjoyment in your work since it's now a broader part of your life.
  • It can give you ideas for more geeky careers – or how to geek-out your current career.
  • You can support your fellow fans.

Don't just take your fandom into your career – find ways to turn it around.  It'll make life easier, let you do more – and perhaps inspire you as to your next steps . . .

– Steven Savage