Site Update 3/30/2011

Been awhile since an update, hasn't it!  We've been busy here at Fan To Pro!

First off, the new Geek Scanner is launching soon!  That's going to be our monthly newsletter focusing on Geekonomic trends, tracking them, and theorizing on them!  Go to the link to sign up – or sign up on the blog!

Secondly, in the next few days you'll get the launch of both Convention Career Connection and the second best-of book, Inhuman Resources!  These should come in pretty much every format under the sun – PDF, ePub, print, Kindle.  I'm waiting for one more test run before I launch.

Third, you can check out the second half of my interview at Geeky Manifestos!

That's about it for now – and as always, we're looking for guest contributors!

Steven Savage