T-17 Days: Oh Editing

Another update on my work on Focused Fandom: Cosplay, Costuming, and Careers

Well today's the day I have to change editors.

it's not a crisis – my editor landed a killer job interview which killed the chance she'd get to the book.  This was on top of some illness going around and the usual chaos.

Fortunately I had two other editors in the wings, and the next person in the que was up and ready to do it – at a discount.  Of course I still have one spare editor whose total dynamite, so I need to keep her in mind for yet other projects . . .

The joy of self-publishing.

I've learned from this that editing really is something to start much earlier, and my attempt to make a condensed timeframe made this a bit more difficult.  For my next book using this method I'm clearly going to have to rethink some of my timelines – I think I need to get things edited almost as I work on them.

Still, the book's coming together – if I get the final edits in this weekend, next weekend will be formatting the eBooks, and we're still on track for October 4th . . .

Steven Savage