Miscellaneous Publishing News 1/24/2012

A few notes from the publishing sphere

Marvel launches all-ages comics for Avengers and Ultimate Spider Man. What's interesting here is that Avengers takes the viewpoint of fan-fave Agent Coulson, so it's also clear they know adults will buy these.

TAKEAWAY: Makes sense, this is part of Marvel's broadening their brand (under Disney). However it may indicate future conflict as Marvel evaluates markets (or tries to have it all).

Apple's new iBook publishing raises sone antitrust concerns. It doesn't seem intentional, but there's some off-putting possibilities of their EULA (if only poor phrasing).

TAKEAWAY: Watch this to see what's happening – and what Amazon does.

JManga is having a translation contest. Interesting, the winner gets some copies and prize points. Fun contest or an experiment with outsourcing/crowdsourcing/fansourcing?

TAKEAWAY: Stay curious.

Steven Savage