Nitendo To Launch Own Network

Well, it finally happened – Nintendo is doing its own network.  Not clear if it's in time for the Wii U launch or what, but a welcome addition to the company.  Well, in short, it's a needed one.

Of course details seem scarce, but let's be honest – Nintendo has to do this to keep up.  It's not something new, it's something they have no choice but to do.

Now a few things:

  • Is this going to be a minimal-network or are they going to do anything different with it?  Nintendo's "do different" ability has served them well in the past (you think we'd have Kinect without the Wii?).  They may leave people unimpressed or suddenly have competitors scrambling to keep up.
  • They may use this to steal the thunder of competitors.  Watch when the announcements occur.
  • How much is made – and how much has to be built.  There may be job opportunities here.
  • How do you get things distributed between this new network?  Developers should keep up on this.

Steven Savage