50 Shades Of Resume #27: The Super Simple

Resume 27

Eric Ghandi likes simple, which is a virtue for any visual designer who has to be sure pages and graphics work with phones, tablets, game consoles, and probably telepathic reception. So he’s got a straight up website and a very straightforward resume.

Its actually one of the simplest resumes I’ve seen in ages. It’s almost minimalist while still being visually interesting and engaging. So of course I’m analyzing it.

Here’s what I found works:

  • This is really, delightfully straightforward. Yes, it lacks details, but at the same time that’s literally its style. It obviously has a goal.
  • It’s uncomplicated. He goes and gets things done.
  • He further condenses the skill section into lines of skills, not categories. Normally i’m not for that, but in this case it works with the style.
  • The use of different font sizes works in this case – as the resume is so simple it’s probably needed to add some detail.
  • A good use of inverted color schemes (though see below)
  • Having the header a different background than the text is an interesting choice, it stands out.
  • I like the dashes of color for the internet connectivity, it ads some pizzaz.

A few issues:

  • I think the header is a bit large for such a simple resume. It could be reduced.
  • Not entirely sure the black-on-white text works for the section headers. I might have used different text colors instead.

This is a resume that gets me thinking.  It’s so simple it makes me wonder how simple one can go . . .

Steve’s Summary: A solid resume that shows a desire to get things done and is free of BS. I’d like to get this one – but I would want a portfolio.

[“50 Shades of Resume” is an analysis of various interesting resumes to celebrate the launch of the second edition of my book “Fan To Pro” and to give our readers inspiration for their own unique creations.]

– Steven Savage