Debating A Podcast

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I’ve been debating starting a podcast. Yes, I know we’re all locked indoors so probably everyone is thinking of starting a podcast. But this is going beyond being stir-crazy.

Anyway I was thinking that ta podcast could be pretty interesting. Plus yeah, there’s that missing human contact thing.

First, I have a lot I can talk on. It probably wouldn’t be careers, but I could speak on a variety of creative subjects.

Secondly, it would be a good compliment to my blogging. I’d probably replace a few blog posts with podcasts instead, say one every other week or something.

Third, it would be a new challenge. I could learn podcasting technology. I might even do it by video as well to have double the audience.

Fourth, it would open a new world. There’s lots of great podcasts I listen to, I might eventually team up with people or suppor good ones.

So just a few thoughts going around. If you want, message me and give me your feedback.

Steven Savage