Steve’s Update 5/2/2021

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Here’s what’s going on with me! Remember if you want more detail go to my roadmap and my newsletter! The newsletter has more detailed updates, extra commentary, and bonus content!

Speaking! I’ll be at the  Prolific Writer’s conference on May 22nd and Fanime May 29-30th!

For the Way With Worlds series, I’m taking a break second week of May, then back to it, with the Natural Disasters Book out in June. I gave myself an extra week to relax. The second book will be out in November.

A School of Many Futures will be ready for Pre-readers around May 9th. The eBook is slated for August, but going to delay the print book if needed until September – Print is a pain.

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite is done for normal generators, now it’s just edge cases. Still aiming for a fall release

Steven Savage