The Later In Life Geeky Career Leap

I began working in video games well over a decade into my career.  I was only capable of doing this after I stopped being a programmer and started being a project manager.

That sounds backwards to quite a few people, I'm sure.  I went from a young and hip programmer to a manager and THEN went into one of the geeky industries par excellence.  Actually, it's a great idea for your career – making the geeky leap later in life, at certain critical points in your career.

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Your Job: Change or Modify?

Rare indeed is the person whose wanted to change what they do – moving up, moving to something else, starting a different career entirely.

Often when I encounter people who want to use their fannish/geeky interests on the job a change is what people are looking for, in industry if not actual job being done.  That's understandable, rare indeed is a person doing exactly what they like exactly where they want (and rarer still is such a person being satisfied with wht they have years from now).

Now in an effort to make one's job geekier, I'm all behind looking to change jobs and industries, but let me add the suggestion that it may be easier to modify one's job or area of work than to make a radical change, at least right away.

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Social Engagement is the Norm

Looking over games, blogs, news sites, etc. one thing strikes me about the future of ALL businesses.

All businesses are going to have to be customer-engaged to succeed.  They'll need posts, comments, Tweets, emails, FAQS, forums, and more because THAT is the new normal.

Part of this is the influence of social media, of course (as I noted, social media is normal anyway), but part of this is the accessibility the internet provides.  People expect to be able to communicate, get answers, get information, etc.

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