Steve’s Update 3/9/2019

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

It’s been a calmer week, so let’s see what’s up!

So what have I done the last week?

  • Way With Worlds: I’ve outlined the next book while the City book gets edited – it’s on fashion!
  • Expanded Distribution: All my books except A Bridge To The Quiet Planet and my fandom-specific books are out I may not do the Focused Fandom series – I’m worried it’s aged a bit.
  • Seventh Sanctum Book: I don’t have a title yet, but I’ve started in on my book on randomness, Generators, and creativity! My plan is to get it done this year, but right now as a lot’s going on, I’m not sure of my pace.

What’s next?

  • Way With Worlds: I hope to get the book back from my editor, but it may not be until late. I’ll also start on the Fashion book.
  • Seventh Sanctum Book: I’ll be writing that! So yeah, pretty much that.
  • Seventh Sanctum: Still practicing some code improvement!

Steven Savage