T-5 Days: A Moment Of Sanity After The Crazy

Well last night I was busy formatting the ePub and Kindle versions for "Focused Fandom: Cosplay, Costuming, and Careers"

It worked.

Oh it wasn't easy.  The books are loaded with links, which required endless checking and editing, and the discovery that some don't always convert well.  Yes, I probably clicked on 150+ links to test them out.  Through 2 different iterations.

Then there's the fun of viewing devices.  People read Kindle books on different devices, and the amount of ePub devices  . . . is even wider.  So just to be safe I view my books on everything I can.

This is where I'm kind of bad.  See I got into the habit of knowing when to stop editing, but I get terrified of different formats and potential issues with the – made worse by the fact that, with many devices, I can never be sure my best job of formatting worked anyway.

My guess is all my experience with print formatting made me over-paranoid about e-Formatting.

But, still, in the end, it all looks pretty good.  So next up is a few tweaks and checks, then on to the PDF formatting . . .

Steven Savage