Steve’s Update 2/21/2021

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Gonna try to bring these updates back here for my readers. I’ve changed the newsletter up to be a little more personal, so I’m going to do my more “businesslike” status here!

  • COVID-19: My second shot of vaccine should be fully effective now – but I’m keeping up all safety protocols to protect people (there’s some evidence you might be able to carry). But the numbers look good, so I’m hopefuly.
  • Way With Worlds: The History worldbook is out! So go on and enjoy!
  • A School Of Many Futures: Just waiting on my editor!
  • Seventh Sanctum: I finally solved the problems with the advanced generators. This will run maybe 60% of the site – but now I have to tackle the generators with unusual configurations and the like. So it’s moving forward, but now I’m on to the weird stuff.
  • Blog: With my conspiracy theory analysis done, I don’t have any new series on the horizon. Let’s see what happens.
  • General:  Still trying to relax and take time off – and yes, I failed at taking time off. I’m also kicking around a few side book projects to cleanse my mind – more as I mess around

Steven Savage