Steve’s Update 5/30/2021

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Let’s catch up!

Giveaways!  I’m in a writer’s help giveaway and another with a free intro of A Bridge To The Quiet Planet.

Speaking! The Prolific Writers’ conference and Fanime are done! It went great (and Fanime is still going on).

The Way With Worlds series will expand soon! The Natural Disasters book will be off to the editor soon!

A School of Many Futures feedback is coming in. It still looks good for eBook in August!

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite took a step back to work on regular non-generator pages. Looks good so far, so a little more tweaking, then a final push to get this done. Well, then debugging . . .

Steven Savage