Steve’s Update 6/13/2021!

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

So where are my projects?

The Way With Worlds series next book – on Natural Disasters – is ready to launch this week!  Then a break as I finish up my novel.  New covers are coming as well and I need to figure how to transition to them.

A School of Many Futures is in final edit! I’ve gotten feedback from one of three prereaders, have my new outline set up, and am editing away.  Expect the eBook in August, print in September, but as time is tight and the world still a little messy, I’ll let you know of any changes.

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite moves ever forward! The core framework and all the non-generator pages are done.  It wasn’t as easy as I thought – because Flask/Jinja2 has lots of helpful functions that threw me off! 

Steven Savage