Steve’s Update 7/11/2021

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So where are my projects?

Giveaways – Whew, I have quite a few – which includes giveaways for my books and others! Lots of free stuff!

Yeah, I kinda went far.

A School of Many Futures final edit is on to the second prereader feedback. Then it’s on to some content review, style tightening, grammar check, and then publishing! August looks good for the ebook!

Agile Books: My next big project will be on Agile and Writing – from a mindset point of view. There will be some techniques, but mostly ones to help think about writing more effectively.

The Way With Worlds series is on hold yet not. No new books until November – but I plan to start redoing covers and some content in September or so. I’ve got 18 books to update . . .

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite continues to target the “weird” generators. However, I am taking some time to map out my code more so it’s easier to add the final set of features. The good news is the code I wrote supports even the “oddball” generators much better as it’s more adaptable.

Steven Savage