Steve’s Update 12/11/2022

(This column is posted at, Steve’s Tumblr, and Pillowfort.  Find out more at my newsletter, and all my social media at my

Hey let’s catch up with my projects! Things are still pretty nuts here but it seems to be slowing down and I am taking time off.

So right now the goal is to catch up:

  • The next Worldbook (Disaster Response) is off to the editor today!  Expect to see it end of December/early January.
  • The Agile writing guide still behind as my pre-readers got busy.  Still gonna try to get it out end of Q1/early Qw 2023.
  • Seventh Sanctum relaunch just whenever I get to it and get uninterrupted time which has been REALLY hard.
  • The new Worldbook covers (more on that to follow)

I expect to get most of this in the next few weeks to few months, then spend most of my time experimenting and messing around while doing a few projects. I need a year to shake things up try things out like other writing styles, digital art, and more!

Steven Savage