Superheroes, SF, nostalgia – and no one caring

As soon as the whole Disney/Marvel mess was announced, there was talk of Fox doing a new Fantastic Four film.  Of course I suspect that was a case of wanting to assert their current rights, but it has had me thinking.

The second recent Hulk film was sort of sequel, sort of reboot.  There's talk of a new origin-of-Superman film.  A new Fantastic Four Movie doesn't seem unlikely.  We just had a GI Joe movie.

I've wondered if the recent rush to superheroic/SF-ish movies, the desire to maximize properties, and the fact only some of the big superhero/SF/nostalgia properties have big name recognition means that past a certain point people will stop caring.

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Rebelling your way into total failure

Thinking outside of the box, thinking different, doing things your way, finding your own vision, etc.  A lot of business advice and career advice I hear – and indeed preach – is about not necessarily following everyone else.

This of course is a valid point – most people's successes are individual, and you have to find the proper balance in your career of doing what works, and what works for YOU.

Unfortunately some people take "rebellion against the norm" a wee bit too seriously and manage to rebel themselves into complete and utter failure.

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Go Farther: Old comics and manga

Time for another "Go Farther" – looking at things we want to see in the geekonomy and general fannish and cool stuff.

I've mentioned this several times in the podcast and in the daily posts, but it bears repeating: I think companies with manga and comic properties need to seriously consider releasing older titles and issues online or on print-on-demand.

a lot of properties out there that would interest people for reasons of
history, curiosity, research, retro interests, etc.  The problem isgauging interests of people to see if it's worth dropping the cash to do a hard-copy publication.

My solution?  Twofold.

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