Healthy Cooking: Okonomiyaki

I haven’t posted as much on cooking in the last year as i’ve been working on the voice of the blog – which I settled on as being “mine” which cleared things up.

So let me share one of my secrets of healthy, fast, delicious cooking: Okonomiyaki.

Okonomiyaki’s been descried in many ways – usually poorly – so I’ll give my own summary: a pancake with vegetables and often savory ingredients in it, served with sauces (usually Bulldog and mayo). It’s a Japanese creation, repurposed from other cuisine, and quite popular as you can do it many ways – the name itself comes from “as you like it.”

To me, it’s a way to get a healthy meal fast that’s easy to eat. Of course I do it my way.

See I use chickpea flour. Chickpea Flour, aka Gram flour, aka Besan Flour, has two benefits:

  • It’s high protein because its’ pulverized beans.
  • When mixed with water, it’s sticky, so you don’t need eggs (great for vegans, people with allergies, or folks that just don’t want eggs).

Seriously, Chickpea Flour is culinary magic.

So here’s my take on using Oknonomiyaki to eat healthy – now this does involve a bit of oil for frying so it’s not as healthy as it could be, but still.

For a single serving you need

  • 1 cup besan flour
  • 1 tsp aluminum-free baking powder (you can also use baking soda if you stir in a tsp of vinegar right before cooking)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2+ cups shredded vegetables – traditionally cabbage, I use finely shredded cabbage and carrots in a 3-1 blend. you can also try grated sweet potato, spinach, and chopped tomatoes (though they add a little water to the mix). Think of it like a veggie omelet if you want to get ideas.
  • Sauces of your choice (I recommend barbecue or Bulldog, some mix with mayo – I need to post my own version of Bulldog sometime).

To do this:

  1. Mix Chickpea Flour, baking powder and water in a bowl. Mix thoroughly as the flour can form little lumps.
  2. Gradually add the shredded vegetables, stirring until the bowl is basically vegetables coated in batter, stuck together. I get in as much as possible, which is usually a bit over two cups depending how well shredded it is.
  3. Heat a non-stick pan and add a bit of oil (olive or sesame) when hot, then dump the bowl and fry it up like a pancake. It usually takes 3-5 minutes a side -and try not to press down on it so it fluffs up.
  4. The complete pancake fits easily onto a standard plate. Dump it out and serve with sauce – even a bit of soy does the trick.

That’s it – a giant heaping helping of leafy greens and powdered beans turned into a delicious pancake.

There’s also ways to enhance it:

  1. Add soy sauce to the mixture to add savory tastes
  2. Add pickled ginger (about a tablespoon) for a great kick.
  3. Add about 1/4 cup kimchi – that adds fluid, so I’d use a bit less water.

To make it even easier? Keep a bag of frozen shredded vegetables in the freezer to grab whenever you want.

I’m sure you can come up with more ways to do it! It’s become one of my go-to for a quick healthy meal that tastes great – nothing like a nice, warm, savory pancake filled with nutritional goodness, with some nice condiments, after a hard day. I tend to make it about once a week.

Give it a try, let me know how it comes out for you.


Relocating For Work: Learn To “Interview” Places To Live

At some point in your career you’re probably going to have to relocate.  If you’re lucky, it won’t be far, maybe the next town over.  I’m not sure how lucky you’re going to be – we geeks have careers that tend to the urban areas, the cities, the centers.  Chances are a lot of us don’t live where we should or will, and will have to get packing.

Now if you have to relocate, short or long, at some point you’re going to have to decide where to go.  I like to think of this as “Interviewing” a city or town to find out if it’s right for you.  It’s just like a job interview, only you’re seeing if the place you could end up at is worth moving to, and no one is going to ask for job experience no one has.

I reccomend taking this approach wether the move is far or close – because even if a move isn’t far from where you are, moving after a bad choice is still a lot of work.

So, let’s get to it.

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Cooking: Containers Are For Eating

OK, I know the image of eating a reheated meal out of a container is not exactly dignified. It conjures up imagines of someone who can’t cook, is too rushed, or just has no dignity.

I beg to differ.

See, I cook and freeze a lot of food. I live alone, I like to experiment with cooking, and I like to pace out what I eat so it’s not the same thing four days in a row. Needless to say a lot of what I eat spends its time in a glass container in the freezer.

In turn, that container may not be reheated at home. A lot of food I make is reheated at work, even though we have a great cafeteria (I’m a cheapskate also).

In all these cases, if I reheat food, unless I really need to (like, say, pouring out curry sauce) do I really want to reheat something then dump it into another dish or bowl? Hell, I just eat it out of what I reheated it in.


  • First, it’s faster. I don’t have to go around getting something else to eat out of.
  • Secondly, it dirties up less dishes. Like I really need to mess up the food container and another dish (or a paper one and waste it).
  • Third, I don’t have to pack or find other dining ware. I just use what I have.
  • Fourth, a good container is multi-use.  It’s not just for freezing – I use mine to store vegetables, side dishes, etc.  Saves me a plastic bag being thrown away.

Do I do this at home? Absolutely. I don’t need to make more of a mess. So yes, in stereotypical bachelor fashion, I eat out of the reheating container.

But as far as I’m concerned? It’s worth it. It’s simpler, faster, and neater. It’s not undignified – it’s precise.

(Besides, I think most of my food is pretty damn classy, thank you!)

If you shop around you can also find some great storage containers that make excellent dining ware. I myself favor the Ziplock glass containers, which come in multiple sizes, have nice-fitting lids, and are pretty sturdy. Also being glass they look a bit more dignified to eat out of.

So go on. Eat out of the container!

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach.  He blogs on careers at, nerd and geek culture at, and does a site of creative tools at He can be reached at