Pro-Fan Pride: The Power of Thinking Differently

Whatever your career, it helps to think differently. Thinking differently helps you solve problems others see no solution too.  Thinking differently lets you blaze new trails and find new things.  For that matter, thinking differently keeps you from getting bored.

This is one of the things that makes me proud to be a progeek – because progeeks, the fans and geeks and otaku who make their hobbies into careers, are great at thinking differently.  It's a great edge in your career.

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Imagination Makes the Future

I get tired of all the fake positive-thinking "if you can dream it you can do it" stuff.  Oh, yes, I do believe in the whole thing of visualizing, thinking big, etc.  I just dislike the consumerist, "The Secret", wishful thinking stuff we have way too much of.

But I do believe in imagination.  I'm pretty sure the regular readers here are very imaginative people.  You're geeks, otaku, fanboys, fangirls, and so on.

That means you've got a chance to dream up the future.

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