50 Shades Of Resume #42: The Mini Resume

Resume 42

Alexander Rea gives us something different – which is an odd statement considering what we’ve seen so far. In his case though, way back in 2009, he decided to think small.

Literally. He created a foldable card as a resume. It’s basically twice the size of a business card, folded in half, with a scannable code to boot. It’s a resume you can put in your pocket. Poke through his flickr account to see what he’s done.

I love a good variant resume – and a good variant business card – so it’s double treats from me. But let’s take a look at his idea resume-wise and see what we can learn:

  • First, this is a crazy idea done subtly. He keeps it smart and professional and doesn’t overdo it – there’s only so many wild ideas you can put in one idea.
  • It does function as a business card, of course, which is obviously a good idea. Also makes me realize how the opening parts of a resume are basically . . . a business card.
  • Showing the icons of who he’s done work for is a greatĀ idea and gives instant recognition in a small space.
  • Having the scannable code inside is a good idea so someone can see more – and has no excuse not to look.
  • It’s thoughtful. A one-stop card that leads to more if one is interesting. Alexander has thought about people.

Any criticisms? Just one:

  • I’d like to have seem a bit more on his skills in the center part of the resume card.

That’s about this. It’s a good idea, looks good, well done, professional, smart. I of course am biased as I use a trading card type business card that’s a sort of business resume myself. But fortunately I don’t care, this isĀ cool.

Steve’s Summary: I get this card and of course I’m going to scan it and find out more. It’s a thoughtful, interesting, clever idea. Then I’ll probably want my own . . .

[“50 Shades of Resume” is an analysis of various interesting resumes to celebrate the launch of the second edition of my book “Fan To Pro” and to give our readers inspiration for their own unique creations.]

– Steven Savage