Fandom Reminders

You're in a job you don't like or aren't thrilled with.  You want to move up or out (or over).  It's tiring, exhausting, and you are having trouble focusing on what you like.

It's time for a Fandom Reminder.

Those posters in your cube?  A reminder of what you love.  That action figure?  A reminder that you want to move on to marketing.  That amusing LOLCat?  A subtle hint of the business you plan to start.  Those pictures from your last convention?  More than a conversation piece, a constant lighthouse guiding you to the day you'll have your own fan/geek career.

Those seemingly pointless reminders, collectibles, decorations, and pictures are a way to remind you of what you care about even in the worst job situation or bleakest career.  They're little sparks of light to guide you a bit farther whether you want to change jobs where you work now or want to start your own company.

Those geeky reminders that seem so pointless or ephemeral may be very important to you to help keep you on track in your life.  Don't discount them at work – a single desktop theme may be what you need to keep going a little farther.  Everything does add up.

In fact, it can be more.  Want to move to the IT division?  Put up articles on IT you've been reading for your co-workers to talk about and you to be reminded by.  Want to be a voice actor? Put up that picture of Scott McNeil or Steve Blum you took at a con.

If you're lucky your job reinforces you.  But if not, find a way to make your environment a little more of a guide and reminder to where you're going to go.

– Steven Savage