So Where Are You Running?

You're busy.  You've got a lot to do and you're trying to get it done.  You're running at full speed.  You tell people you're busy a lot – and you'd tell them more, but you're so busy you can only tell them so much.

So, you're running towards something.  But have you asked yourself if you're running to the future – or just running away?

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Go Farther: The Future Is Tremors

Know what I think we need more of in media?

Shows like Tremors.

You may remember that series – based on the series of deliberate-B-monster-movies-with-heart, it ran on Sci-Fi channel before their name change.  It was an episodic series with some continuing arcs about the people living in a small town that happened to be infested with odd creatures, and their lives and stories dealing with them.  It was charming, funny, and quite clever.

It was also a great model of synergy that I think more companies, authors, and media people need to look at.

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My Thoughts On The Great Reset

So after reading Richard Florida's "The Great Reset" I began asking myself what's coming next.  What will we, the profans, progeeks, working otaku, and the rest of us face as the economy of the world re-aligns after the Great Recession of the early 21st century?  What do I think is next?

So, with credit to the inspiration of Mr. Florida and everyone else I read for advice, here's what I've been thinking.

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