Site Update 8/5/2013

Hello all, and what’s been up with me?

Well first, more writing on the next book – which frankly there probably won’t be much more to say for at least 2 more months.  So it’s large, and it’s about careers, and its some things you’ve seen before in a new form.

I’m expanding my speaking opportunities if you check my Schedule – and there are more to come!  I’m still open if you need anyone for career and geek speaking!

The Seventh Sanctum redesign is going well – in that I’ve got a format to get feedback on.  Not so hot in that it’s clear I’m a bit behind on my design plans and need to really rethink it.  So I’m going to start experimenting even more and see how it goes.

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach.  He blogs on careers at, nerd and geek culture at, and does a site of creative tools at He can be reached at


Weekly Update 7/29/2013

Hey gang, how’s everyone doing?  Well, I hope!  Busy as always, and here’s what’s up!

First, the next book – which does involve some reused, rewritten, and expanded work – is going well.  I got the outline in place, and am fleshing out the content.  It’s probably going to be a doozy – I’d guess 250+ pages.  You’ll love it, trust me . . .

MuseHack had it’s first MuseHackathon!  It went fantastic!  We discussed marketing and publicity, and had a lot of great results.  Next one should be late August/early September and is currently scheduled to be focused on monetization.

MuseHack also had it’s first of it’s job/want/need/opportunity Postings!  You can see it here, and hopefully it’s already helped people out!    In fact I already got one for the next post on Friday.  So if you need help, see opportunities, etc. let us know!

I’m going to be speaking at Con-Volution 2013!  Looks like I’ll be doing quite a few events, including Fan To Pro, Crossover Mania, The Power of Brainstorming, and Epic Resume Go!

I also encountered RWBY, an interesting CGI animated series that fuses anime and video game aesthetic.  You may want to check it out – and it’s an example of profan work.

So what’s up with you?

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach.  He blogs on careers at, nerd and geek culture at, and does a site of creative tools at He can be reached at

Site Update 7/9/2013

As you may have known, I took last week pretty much off.  Which really meant relaxing, some writing, and playing Rogue Legacy and Cube World. Which are awesome.  I even reviewed Rogue Legacy.

So what’s up?

First, new job!  Yes, I’m over at Adobe now, and quite enjoying it.  It’s a move from Project to Program Management for me, which is exactly what I wanted (though I can also bore you with my whole fractal management theory).  So if things are slow a week or two more, you know why.

The next book project is mostly solidified, and no I can’t say what it is as it actually builds and expands on some of my previous work.  Sorry, but there probably won’t be anything to say for 2-4 more months.  But it’ll be cool.

Based on some feedback and ideas, I may be bundling up some of my other writing as small or free ebooks.  So there may be another “minor” release in the next six months as well.

The job coaching is going good, and I’ve been doing more resume coaching (really, everyone hates doing them).  Be sure to contact me if you want help – everyone seems happy so far!

Seventh Sanctum’s rewrite is going pretty good.  In fact, it’s really more reskinning the front end using Bootstrap, and I like what I see so far.  My guess however is that won’t launch until end of Q3/early Q4, depending.  I wanted to try for September, but at this rate I’m expecting to spend more time testing than I expected, and I want to get a more interesting look.

MuseHack is doing well, and we’ll be having a few more things coming up, so stay tuned!

– Steven