Steve’s Update 2/12/2018

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

Here’s my latest update!  With my move done and that insane January out of the way, I will get back to regular deliverables.

So what have I done the last week(s)?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: Editing is going faster than I thought, I’m almost to the big arc I have to tweak.  I think it may be done next week, which means I can get this thing pre-readable in March easy!  Maybe mid-March!
  • Writing: The new series on Agile and creativity is ramping up as you’ve seen – prepare for a lot more to come!
  • Personal Agile Guide: I’ve got the cover done!  So I’ll be dropping this one the end of the Month!

What am I going to do this week:

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: More editing of course.  I will hopefully finish most of that arc this week.
  • Writing: More column work of course!  I plan to do one a week – the next one is almost ready.
  • Personal Agile Guide: I want to start formatting it and get it out end of month.


  • The commute is giving me time to write, though as it’s either way early or after work occasionally what I’m in the “mood” to do varies.
  • Now that I’m back on track with all my writing, I want to try to catch up with my Sanctum plans.  After last month’s chaos, it’s a bit hard to get back on top of everything.  Still, I will get to it!
  • Wondering if I need to do these weekly updates.  I kind of like them as they make me focus, but with a month-long sprint? I wonder.

– Steve