Steve’s Update 3/17/2019

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Hey gang, so a quick update here on my, well, updates.

The weekly thing really isn’t cutting it for a number of reasons. First, not enough changes in one week. Two, weeks are variable enough that half the time I’m discussing interruptions that wouldn’t matter in the big picture. Third, I’m shaking up some of my personal productivity choices, so two weeks work.

So last weekly update!

So what have I done since last time?

  • Way With Worlds: I’ve started writing the Fashion book – and got the City book back!
  • Seventh Sanctum Book: I’ve been writing it and am happy with the way it looks. Interesting note – it’s shorter than I expected. Don’t know if this means I’ve got more to add or if it’ll get done faster.
  • Seventh Sanctum: Started working on a new generator! It’s a comedic one, but an interesting one, so stay tuned . . .

What’s next?

  • Way With Worlds: I’ll keep working on the Fashion book (remember I do those over time) and will get as much edited of the Cities book!
  • Seventh Sanctum Book: Keep writing.
  • Seventh Sanctum: Work on that new generator and of course, keep practicing Python.

Steven Savage