Steve’s Update 4/29/2019

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Here’s our latest sprint roundup! Definitely prefering these two week sprints.

So what have I done since last time?

  • Must Read: If you’re familiar with Agile and any of my work. Check out this article on the infamous Five Whys, and why it’s actually not that good a technique. Heck, if you have to ever review work or like to ask what happened, read this.
  • In General: Well caught a cold, then re-hurt my back. But things aren’t quite as bad as it sounds. Though man, I have got to do more stretching exercises.
  • Way With Worlds: The Fashion Book continues. I’m upping the pace slightly, because I don’t always write every day. Still expecting 5-6 a year depending. This one is going great, and I hope to have it out start of June.
  • Seventh Sanctum Book: I am grinding through the examples section which is, ironically, the least fun part of it. It’s a good section, but having to tie it all together is really a lot of effort.
  • Seventh Sanctum: I did a lot more tech review for the future rewrite and had a real breakthrough with the Python. Feeling far more confident. Now I just have to finish that romance title generator (I need to budget time better).

What’s next?

  • Way With Worlds: As you guessed, keep writing!
  • Seventh Sanctum Book: The Example section should be done soon (hopefully by next Sprint). Then I get on to a few more sections on construction.
  • Seventh Sanctum: Keep u the Python practice and . . . hOK maybe really finish that generator, darn it . .

Steven Savage