Having A Life Shouldn’t Be Optional

Ever get the impression part of the job search is proving you have no life beyond what you do?

I see it sometimes when I apply for jobs, or hear of it when friends talk about their adventures. Perhaps it comes as a requested link to a portfolio or an example of code or discussion of a project. Sometimes in the interview process – and the application process – you discuss the hobbies you do that are, well, the same as your job.

This isn’t a given everywhere or in every job, but it’s something that keeps coming up. Show people your GIT repository, show them a website that you wrote. Show something that says your life is the same in and out of work.

Hell, *I* emphasize this. It’s great when hobbies combine with your jobs, as it brings fulfillment, shows dedication, and lets you monetize goofing off. But I’m thinking it’s gone a bit too far.

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You May Have a Job – But Do You Have a Life?

You have a great job.  A fantastic job.  You love what you do.  You love what you make.  You hate to leave work – and probably don't really leave as much as people may think.

If you're a progeek (such as myself) of course that's kind of a holy career grail – the job you love that embodies all your interests.

However you may have the ideal job – but do you have a life?

This of course is often a massively loaded question for us progeeks and profans – our goal is to turn our hobbies into our careers.  We may not have a life to some people as we're geeks and otaku, but we often have quite a diverse and interesting life – and turning what we love into jobs would seem to make our lives even more, well, lifelike.

That can be wrong.  We get it wrong on scale.

A job is what we do to earn a living and do something we (hopefully) consider important in our society and community.

A career is the path of our jobs, of our professional development.  It's a the arc, the progress, we make in manifesting what we like to do and care about.

A life is the entire big picture, how everything comes together.  It is our past and our future, it is what we care about and do.  It is, in short, who we are.  "Having a life" means having something that matters to us, that has context and meaning, a past and a future.

You can have a "life" and be an introvert off writing code or books or what have you – if that truly is part of an overall, fulfilling life.  You can be a genius on a job you love – but with no arc to your career and no sense of the bigger picture, it's really shallow and meaningless.  The stereotypical nerd off writing amazing code with few friends may indeed be more happy than someone beloved, famous, and facing a meaningless life.

Having a life is one where what we do, who we know, our careers, and our job come together to make something meaningful to us, something that's part of the even bigger picture – of what and who we care about, and of what matters to us.  It's the history of our development and growth as people, where we know why we do what we do and how we'll get where we want to go.

So you may have a job.  But don't mistake it for a life.

– Steven Savage