The Recruiting Nightmare #4 – Sites And Solutions

Yes, so you finally managed to get a half-decent job post up on the web.  You may even have an idea of how to pitch it to work.  So next up you trust it to web sites and . . .

. . . er.


Let me get it out of the way – all these neat job search and posting sites to help you find people aren’t the end-all-be-all solution.  In a few cases they might be the problem.

First, some are not . . . friendly to use.  It’s the problem you face with any software of course, but the fact remains – posting a job lead to a board, or a distribution service, is not easy fire-and-forget.  There’s followup, tracking, and that’s learning the options, controls, and features available to each site.  Not every site is exactly user-friendly.

Ah, but there’s more!  Number two on the Search Site Hate Parade is the fact you have to figure out which ones to use.  Specific ones?  Distribution services?  Who do you trust and who do you go to?  As for answers . . . I don’t have one.  My experiences so far have been a bit disappointing as is.

Then, third is the fact you may need help.  Lots of work to do, right?  So how many people do you have available, who have the time, to navigate job search sites, and that can then learn their little quirks and issues?  Oh, and how many people care?

Pretty much as a recruiter using job sites (unless you work for a company with it’s own) you’ve got to make choices, learn the software, and probably do so with less help then you’d like.

Also, it’ll change anyway.  The value of different sites, people’s trust of them, the functions, all change over time.  That site that was awesome last year may be a black hole of ineptitude this year.

So there you have it.  Recruiters also have to cope with a number of options to get the word out, most high tech, and all of unpredictable quality, with no one to help you out (or with your level of knowledge of the tool).

Yes, it’s a nightmare.


  • Even though some sites you use may be good, temper your expectations on speed of response and such.  It’ll help you go easier on recruiters.
  • Work out the best ways to get your resume and cover letter to stand out when you do web site searches.  The cover letter, in my experience, is especially important.


  • Always follow up with recruiters, since they’re juggling many sources and technologies.
  • If you have any tips about what sites you like share them with recruiters so they get an idea of what may work for people.
  • Help recruiters out by writing up instructions on posting, going through resumes, and using search sites.


  • Someone could take those tip guides to helping people use search websites and consolidate them in a website.  Just saying.
  • If you at all know people who work at job search sites, feel free to pass on recruiter feedback.  A lot.
  • It’d be great to have a website sharing feedback and history on job search sites.

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach for professional and potentially professional geeks, fans, and otaku. He can be reached at