Practicing Change

One of the hardest things to do with our careers and lives is change.

We usually THINK we can change. We point to places in life we have changed.  Sadly, we usually miss how much of our life is the same old same old for years or decades – even things we should want to change.

Let's face it, it's hard to change.  At the same time, in this changing world and in this altering job market, change is vital.  I ended up moving cross-country for my career – trust me, I know change.

Also, let us be honest, change is difficult, challenging, and disrupting.  We don't WANT to change, especially if we've got  good routine going or feel comfortable.  Many of us in fact have had our fill of change, thank you very much.

Still, change isn't going away.  My advice?  Practice change.

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We’re all entrepreneurs

I know some people who've gone and started their own business.  They're entrepreneurs, and frankly, pretty impressive people.  They've got their own jobs, and though its work, its work they love.

People often look at such people with envy – they want to make the leap to owning their own business, freelancing, etc.  They want to be entrepreneurs.

They already are, the problem is they don't know it.

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Geek Alert: Yahoo and Microsoft sign search deal.

This one is all over the geekosphere, and there's a lot information. First, it appears it's a ten year deal – and secondly, Yahoo is getting 110% of ad revenue the first two years Yes, 110%. Yahoo also gets to work relations for Microsoft.

A little more detail is available here – the integration could take two years.

So, my take on this?

  • This isn't approved – it'll take into 2010 to get regulatory approval.
  • The deal takes up to 24 months to integrate AFTER appoval – so we can be talking 30 months or more until it's all done technically.
  • Yahoo is toast if this goes through – they'll be thorouhgly dependent on Microsoft. As a truly separate company it's over with, and I could see a total integration happening within that decade.
  • This is more of the Everything Wars, and I suspect Google will make some other stunning announcement – or accelerate projects like Chrome, in the near future. It's also possible the sense of Microsoft as a larger company than they are may make them leverage more alliances and OS projects for image reasons.
  • This is more of the Everything wars. More here.

    And for Irony? Remember for years Yahoo was powered by Google.

And now our regular news . . .

Good basic advice on researching companies you want to work for.

Why music magazines are dying – Most interesting to me is that they had social media elements before there was social media. A good read on the industry that you can probably apply to many others.

LibreDigital raises $15 million – They do multiplatform digital distribution. Wonder if they allow companies to delete files . . . sarcasm aside, not a surprising investment. Let's see if it can pay off – I'm concerned VC is coming to electronic publishing a bit slower than it needs, which may further hamper development.

There is apparently a way to hijack iPhones via text message. Those of you working (or wanting to work) in IT security, you now have a brand new horror story to share. Let's see how Apple reacts and if this ends up quickly in the wild, that will affect future activities.

Android gets a Facebook app – It's a start, at least. Certainly Android is being taken very seriously.

Social Media:
Twitter's new front page emphasizes search – Pretty much a strategy people figured Twitter would count on. Interesting thought is if they include more ilinking, crossreferencing, etc. they may have something – and could they interlink other sources? Either way, Twitter moves forward.

EpixHD launches – Basically movie studios let you see their movies if your internet/TV provider has a deal anyway. Not exactly impressive (and more of the specialty distribution we've seen), but a player. I don't have high hopes for it due to its limitations. Still worth watching to see if it has any market impact.

Video Games:
A possible inFamous movie? – Sounds like a possibility. I see some potential here (thought I think a miniseries more fits the arc), as the game had very cinematic qualities. Between this and the WoW movie we could see functional game-movie synergy which is unfortunately rare – at best you get mediocre and some quick money.

The Downside to Direct Download in gaming – Lots to think of, including how a shift to DLC could be done easy by some companies – and bring unexpected side effects (like potentially forcing them to direct-sell hardware). Lots to think over. I myself am loosing some enchantment with DLC the more I analyze it, but it's still going to be something TRIED, even if it results in horrible failures – because companies want to make more money.

– Steven Savage