Do you need a blog?

More and more the question comes up in discussions I'm in on jobs: should one have a blog as a way to promote yourself personally?

I think the recent attention paid to twitter has brought blogging back into the spotlight by bringing more attention to online communication.  In addition, the ability to put RSS feeds into everything makes blog-data more ubiquitous.  So, much like Twitter, people are back to talking about blogs.

And so we're back to the question – do you need a blog for your career.  My answer, is "maybe, but it's not the right question."

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The Horror of Competence

It can happen to any of us.  We're there, minding our own business, probably giving someone advice, and we're struck with the absolutely terrifying realization of our own competence.

It hits us that we know what we're doing.  We are struck by the realization of how much we know and what skills we have.  Our ability to effectively leverage our history and experience looms large in our mind.  We realize we're really quite competent.

This of course, is a terrible blow.

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The whole “Thank You” thing.

In a conversation on, several of us were discussing if saying "thank you" in today's overloaded age of email and messages was just wasting people's time.  The overall conclusion was no – even if it added one more email to someone's bursting inbox.

I'm on the side of saying thank you, and wanted to note its importance in career searches and the geeky job world.

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