The History Of Geeks

One thing I find strengthens my efforts, as an unrepentant geek, is to look back at history of all the geeks, nerds, fanboys, fangirls, etc. that came before me.  A quick review of history reveals just how much was done by people like, well, us.

History is filled with examples of people making great achievements in their own area of interest or outright obsession.  Our world is pretty much build on their efforts, knowledge, wisdom, and odd habits turned into virtues and creations.

How many of us were inspired by language-and-lit-geek JRR Tolken?  A man who loved language so much he ended up making his own.

Chinese history is filled with tales of philosophers, musicians, and sages who were joyfully odballs and geeks – many remembered to this day.

The computer you're using to read this is a product of huge amount of nerd-hours – from hardware to software.  You can only read this because of people that are likely FAR geekeir than you or I doing what they love to make technology.

Just take a LOOK at Einstein, Bill Gates, and . . . well most artists.

Guess what?  History is filled with people just like you.

Look back over history and look for fellow nerds, geeks, and fans.  You'll be surprised what you find.

You'll also be inspired.  If they succeeded, you can too.

– Steven Savage

Media Wars Part 4: A Sustainable Media Geekonomy

So as I mentioned last post, the Media Geekonomy is stuck in an Extraction mentality where members of it (Fans, Support, Creators) are often trying to get the most out of their situation.  This is exacerbated by regular business practices, attitudes, and technology changes.  It's an unpleasant situation, and it can't last forever – because there's a lot of simmering pathology and problems.

Me I'd like it solved because I can see a lot of continuing unpleasantness.  I can see more lawsuits and bizarre regulations designed to limit the choices of Fans and keep Creators under control by those in the Support sector.  I can see ignorant companies folding, unaware of how the market has changed until they die off.  I see Creators loosing out on opportunities or being denied them.

So let's ask what we want the Media Geekonomy to be, and I'd say that the opposite of Extraction (getting as much as possible) is Sustainability.  Sustainability is about making sure you have enough now and in the future.

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Media Wars Part 3: How We Got Here

Last column I discussed the fact that the Media Geekonomy is an area of conflict, an Exctraction Economy where different factions are in conflict.  Fans want things cheaper, the Support people want to make money and keep their good position, and the Creators of media want money and stability.  Their interests don't line up and often end up adverse.

So how did this happen?

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