“How” is the only sure path to “can’t”

I talk to a lot of people who are very, very sure of what they can't do in their careers.

They can't be writers.  They can't be artists.  They can't be travel agents.  They have a giant list of can'ts.  It's often larger than their cans.

When I talk to such people, I also learned very quickly that the majority of them really have little or no awareness of the career they've given up on.  They hear something, read something, or make an assumption, and then kill off their career plans right there.

The only way for you to decide you can't do something is to know how it's actually done.

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Beatles Rock Band: An analysis

I'm not a Beatles fan per se – much like Elvis, I acknowledge their great music and importance culturally.  I like a lot of their songs – and they made a LOT of great songs.  So I write this article from the perspective of a person who isn't overly biased.

I'd like to write on Beatles Rock Band and what we can learn from it.

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A year plus into this blog, and I find myself wondering just what technologies people, not just geeks, will be embracing in the years to come.  SO much has changed in just one year, the world has been altered radically in the last ten technology-wise, and many cultural shifts have gone unnoticed (remember when games were for geeks not everyone?  That was what, 2 years ago?).

So I asked myself what technologies out there people must embrace or fall behind, will likely embrace, and may embrace in a large-but-not-widescale way.  In short, what are people definitely and likely going to be using five years from now.

So here's my take

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