Combining Careers And Interests: Who you work for

So you want to make sure you live your geek interests as part of your career?  I've discussed how you can do that with what you do, and what you create, so let's look at another way.

You can live your interests in who you work for.

There are companies and businesses you can work for, clients you can support and consult for, that do things that fit your interests, your geekery, your otakudom.  In working for them you can support the things you care about and are interested in even if you don't use "geeky skills" or even have much involvement in actual product.

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Jobs are Not Careers

Sometimes people talk about their career.  Sometimes they talk about their job.  In too many cases people mix the two up.  In other cases they talk about careers without talking jobs and jobs without talking careers.  In all cases people are missing the big picture about jobs and careers.

Jobs are not careers.  Careers are not jobs. Understanding how they're different – and how they're related – is key to your success.

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