Go Farther: Comic Conventions

So with Convention Career Connection out, I can't seem to step away from speculating on what can be done in the con scene to help people's careers.  So of course, I'm writing about it.  I've decided to analyze what more can be done at specific kinds of cons (in my opinion) to help people's careers.

First up?  Comic conventions.

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Why I Wrote Convention Career Connection

So, Convention Career Connection is done and out.  It's interesting to look back on it and reflect on things.

So far the reaction to the book from people I've talked to has mostly been “hey, what a great idea!” I'm glad to see they're such a good reaction so far, and it drives home why I did this.

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Ecosystems: Effects On Careers

Last column I discussed how ecosystems in technology – those unified technology products like Apple makes and everyone else wants to make – are a big trend in tech.  Considering recent news and developments, I'd say the existence of this trend is fairly obvious.  What is not always obvious is what it means for we progeeks and our careers and ambitions.

Wanting to cover the career impact because, hey it's what I do, I'll look at different areas of work and media and how ecosystems impact them.  This "divided up" method should make organizing and communicating my thoughts easier.  If I miss anything while doing it this way, call me on it.

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