The Dark Side Of “Do What You Love” – Skills And Abilties

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(Steve continues his dream-destroying exploration of why “Do What You Love” doesn’t address the darker truths of careers. Dive in for more sarcasm, dark insights, and asking how we can overcome these challenges)

So you want to “Do What You Love”, and perhaps you can overcome the circumstances of birth and surroundings and your own shortcomings. That’s pretty impressive because a lot of people don’t, don’t realize they haven’t, and wonder what happened. So, hey, good job.

Of course now you get to the point where you have to become able to do your dream job and follow your hopes. Guess what? You’re probably not ready because “Do What You Love” doesn’t mean anything for getting you actually capable to do the job.

In short, that little phrase doesn’t teach you squat. Here’s what’s wrong:

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The Dark Side Of “Do What You Love” – Psychology

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So the series continues, where I take a break from my usual positive approach to look at why the job advice of “Do What You Love” is probably going to crash and burn for you. Sure, I think that’s a good piece of advice, but it’s only a piece and that’s the problem. It’s not the big picture.

So it’s time to stick our faces up to the problems of the idea of “Doing What You Love” for a living, take a deep whiff, and acknowledge how much the situation stinks.

Last time I looked at how the circumstances of your birth and situations outside of your usual control could destroy your dreams from the get go. There was also the added bonus of realizing how a-holes may be biased against you just for how you were born to top it off. Extra frosting for the depression cake as it were.

But let’s get away from situations and look at what is probably wrong with you when it comes to “Do What You Love.” Though there’s the added advantage of admitting you just may be deluding yourself with your dreams, so you can fix that.

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The Dark Side Of “Do What You Love” – Your Situation


OK, so you have a dream, a job and career that involves doing what you love. You can feel it, you want it.

And yeah, a lot of situations conspire to make sure that you’re not going to get there.

It’s not even a real conspiracy most times, its just that in many cases you’re starting with the deck stacked against you. You might not even have a deck for that matter.

And this is just you, you’re some person in a first world nation reading this on the Internet. Right now the majority of people in the world don’t even have the luxury of self-deception you have right now. Telling them to “Do What They Love” is outright cruel because they needs to focus on surviving or paying the bill or not dying of disease or wondering what the next war will bring.

Even if you aren’t in the situation so many are, you have plenty of things that threaten to make your “Doing What You Love” dream a cruel joke that’s ultimately empty.

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