Game Tie Ins And Media Synergy

After our recent article on Harlequin getting into gaming (making me feel good about my own predictions ) I began thinking that my own theories had been a bit too limited.

Harlequin's game was a hidden object mystery game – not a DateSim, which I speculated would more fit the audience.  This made me realize I'd not given enough thought to other gaming/media tie ins.  So I'd like to speculate what else could work – and encourage you progeeks out there to think just what kinds of games and what kinds of media could work.

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Go Farther: The next (big?) thing

Hoping to be the next JK Rowling, George Lucas, Gene Roddenberry, Gary Gygax, etc.?

I'm concerned in the wake of Harry Potter, and to a lesser extent Twilight, there's going to be efforts to duplicate the success of the same – with dismal results.  I already see people accused of being derivative of Stephanie Myer when they clearly weren't.  I see a lot of imitators of the above people, and little of the passion.

So what are people waiting for?  What's the next big thing (or small thing that feels big)  What does it need?

Synergy.  Three kinds in fact.

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