Steve’s Update 5/16/2021

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Here’s a quick roundup of where I am.

Giveaways!  I’m in a self-help giveaway and a writer’s help giveaway!  Pass the links around, it’s also a chance to get some books you might want for free for a limited time!

Speaking! I’ll be at the  Prolific Writer’s conference on May 22nd and Fanime May 29-30th!

For the Way With Worlds series, The next book gets written this week! I’m aiming to get it out in June (I have these down to a science)

A School of Many Futures is in the hands of pre-readers! I’m taking a break on it into June!

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite has covered almost all generators! Before I rewrite these “oddballs” I’m going finish and tighten up other code on the sight.

Steven Savage