I am morally required to post this

Penny Arcade needs a Merchandise Manager

I love doing this blog.  I love the emails.  I love the seminars.  But I also love being able to type the words "Penny Arcade needs a Merchandise Manager" and post a LINK to that (and the fact it's on one of my crush objects, LinkedIn.com, makes this all the sweeter).

A geek triumph of media is recruiting a person, for a paid position, and using the ultimate business networking site.


– Steven Savage

Turn Yourself Around

Here's a little career exercise to try for yourself.

Get a good image of what you do for your job.  Now get a good image of what you do on your hobbies.

Now ask what your life would be like if you reversed them.  How could what you do on your job make an interesting hobby, and what would you be doing if you could do your hobbies as a job?

Think this over for a moment, then ask yourselves these questions:
1) How similar would your life be in such an inversion?  Why?
2) If your job is something you dislike, but you visualize it as a fun hobby, how can you take that to improve your job?
3) If your hobby was a job, do you see any flaws or unforeseen things you wouldn't like?

I enjoy this exercise as its very revealing, and sometimes surprising.  I rather like my job and its often similar to what I do in my hobbies – I can see how, under such an inversion, I'd rather miss aspects of my job and how they may make interesting pastimes.

Keep this in mind, see what you find.

– Steven Savage

It’s not a job search . . .

A strange thing keeps coming up in my readings on employment – the fact a lot of people put surprisingly little time into finding some.  As in perhaps ten hours.

This is an alien idea to me, since my past job searches involved, on average, 30-50 hours of work a week, and at worst about 25 (and that was in a really slow economy).  Or in short, it was a full or part-time job for me.

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