Promoting Professional Geekery #28: Help With The Job Search

Quickly, who reading this is good at the job search?  You know resumes, cover letters, networking?  OK, at least decent?  How about “my job search abilities aren’t as bad as most people I know?”

OK if you fit into any one of these three categories, you’ve got a way to do what we do here – promote the Professional Geek ideal.  In fact, you’ve got a way that’s very valuable, but you may not see it.

A good job search is a skillet.  In fact, it’s a very unique skillet because a lot of people don’t have it.

Ever met people who are good at what they do, but don’t have a job?  Ever met someone who is good at getting work but just never seemed that qualified?  That’s your proof right there that the job search is it’s own, unique skillet.

If you’ve got the job search skills, in fact if you’re just about average, you can help out your fellow geeks by helping them get better at the job search.  Teach them how to do better resumes, to interview, to do cover letters, etc.  Even if you’re only good at one part of the job search, share the knowledge you do have.

There’s also many ways to do it.  You can write up a blog post, do a video, speak at a con, act as a personal counsellor, etc.  Done right, your job search skills can be immortalized for many others – in fact I keep technique write-ups I send to people.

This helps promote professional geekery in one of the most important ways – helping people actually do what they like for a living by teaching them how to find work.  It makes the dream real.

So often the ability to find a job is the only real difference between people making their dreams cone true and not.  It’s a sadly neglected, ill-taught skillet overall, made worse by changing times.  You, those who are good enough to enlighten others, can teach the skills that help dreams come true.

So, take an honest assessment of your job search abilities, and see if you should start being an advisor, reach out to friends, do panels, etc.  You can make a huge difference to current and future progeeks, and make their dreams a reality.

That will light the way for others.

Steven Savage

Frustration Friday: The Best Isn’t The Best – Again

OK, let me go and say something I've been telling people for awhile.

Your competency at a profession is not based on any one skill.  It is based on if you have the skills that SUPPORT that skill so you can use it, and thus have a job and a career.

  • If you're the world's greatest artist and have no social skills, you're probably not going to get hired, or even let people be aware of your talent.
  • If you're the world's greatest writer and you're disorganized and ever complete anything, that legion of half-finished novels will never see an audience.
  • If you are a brilliant programmer and don't know the industry you're in, then you will not be able to deal with clients, make plans, and get the job done.

For that matter if you're a brilliant ANYTHING and can't do a job search, network, and market yourself you're probably in trouble anyway.

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