Steve’s Update 2/24/2019

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Here’s what’s going on with my projects!

So what have I done the last week?

  • Agile Creativity: The print copy of the book should be done this week – I have the (hopeful) last draft in the mail.
  • Way With Worlds: The city book has more questions entered. Really, not sure how much to update.
  • Brainstorm Book: The Brainstorm Book is out! – and it’s got wide distribution!
  • Seventh Sanctum: I’ve got the new Elemental Monster generator out! On top of that I’ve updated the Nexus with more creative resources!
  • Expanded Distribution: I’ve been expanding the distribution of my books, starting with Epic Resume Go! By the way it takes a week or two for a book to hit all markets, so be warned.

What’s next?

  • Agile Creativity: I’ll sign off on the print book this week (hopefully early)
  • Way With Worlds: The new book will go to the editor end of this week! So get ready for a new one end of the month of March!
  • Seventh Sanctum: Probably a bit of a break.
  • Expanded Distribution I will keep moving more books to wide distribution!

Steven Savage