Apple’s Easy iBook Author Tool

As everyone predicted, Apple released an ez-iBook maker and there's controversy over it's features and possible lock-in since you can only publish to the iBookstore. Admittedly that's not surprising as it's a specialized ePub format so you can only read it as an iBook (that and I'm not seeing a lot of anger over Kindle . . .).

So what do I think?

  • This was inevitable. Apple had a platform and a book system and of course an authoring system was coming.
  • Content is king, but delivery pays the bills. This is also an inevitable financial model. Right now being a gatekeeper pays.
  • Amazon is going to follow suit so fast it'll make your head spin.
  • I'm not sure what, if anything, Microsoft will do.
  • This might mean more effective freelance writers – and more jobs.
  • This also means that rating systems are going to be even more important, as is good relations. So build that author platform.
  • Have I noted we REALLY NEED a universal book format everyone uses? We do.

Steven Savage

Apple Plus Target OTP?

It looks like Apple is going to start setting up inside Target. That means it's no longer just Apple and the ailing Best Buy. I'm sure Best Buy is just THRILLED with this.

I present this because it may be another sign of Best Buy's demise, but also changing landscapes for tech.  What is a store-in-a-store now could turn into a semi-genius bar.  Apple may want to start providing more support in these ministores.  Target could decide to expand their tech reach.  It's the kind of job/career affecthing thing you may want to watch.

Steven Savage