Social Engagement is the Norm

Looking over games, blogs, news sites, etc. one thing strikes me about the future of ALL businesses.

All businesses are going to have to be customer-engaged to succeed.  They'll need posts, comments, Tweets, emails, FAQS, forums, and more because THAT is the new normal.

Part of this is the influence of social media, of course (as I noted, social media is normal anyway), but part of this is the accessibility the internet provides.  People expect to be able to communicate, get answers, get information, etc.

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Thoughts on Image

You've got a resume on the right paper, the right suit, your Twitter posts, Facebook profile, and a great cover letter.  You're on the job search.

Have you ever wondered how much of this is NECESSARY?

One of the hardest things to admit in a job search is that some things are done not because they are useful, providing information about yourself and letting you learn about an employer, but because they're about image.  You're trying to project a certain image, but it's easy to feel that its frustrating or useless.

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When do you outsource?

I wrote awhile ago about fansourcing and wanted to follow up on a general question – when do you outsource things important to your career?

We geek types sometimes try and do everything – being technically adept, having multiple skills, and being cutting-edge means we can do a lot.  We also may be afraid to outsource things to other people since, simply, it can be hard to trust someone else.

Unfortunately, we find we have to.  There's only so much we can do.

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