Overcome the Geek Generation Gap – For Careers!

If you're any kind of geek, you're probably aware of the “geek generation gaps” that many of us see. You know how it goes; there's the shows no one ever heard of (or should of heard of), the slang that you don't get (or you think is ancient), and so on. It may be a joke, it may be a source of frustration, but most of us are aware of it.

What has concerned me, in my various presentations at conventions and talks with assorted geeks and future pro geeks, is that this generation gap is going present problems not just for those of us that don't get particular memes, but it's going to make passing on professional geekiness harder. The economy sucks, the world is changing, and the job market has more holes in it than a piece Swiss cheese shot with a shotgun. Generation gaps make things tougher for old geeks to pass on career wisdom to new geeks.

As a certified “old geek,” this worries me. So let me make a humble call; older geeks stay aware of this, and younger geeks please tolerate the ignorance of your elders. These understandings are going to be necessary for us to pass on career wisdom to the younger generation, and for the younger generation to absorb it.

We old geeks? Yes, we've got plenty of wisdom, understanding, experience, and may actually have real, functional jobs. That's great, that's wonderful, but it doesn't mean we can communicate it to other people who grew up with different kinds of different technologies and experiences. We have to make the actual, conscious effort to explain to our younger geeky brethren and sistren in the lessons that we've learned.

This requires remaining open-minded, remaining hip, staying aware of trends, and so forth. The one vital thing we old geeks can do? Actually listened and treat younger geeks his fellow human beings. Go on, listen to the “kids," understand how they feel, understand their problems, pay attention to their feelings.  Once you get their job and life situations, you can pass on their knowledge.

(Besides they know were all the cool stuff is these days, and that may be vitally important to us not turning into grizzled old geeks who are out of touch.)

You younger geeks, want to learn from your elders and understand the magic of careers, of business, of making an actual paycheck the will let you not live in your parents basement? Seek us out, ask questions, push us to share with you. Tolerate our strange ways, occasional rants, and when we reminisce about “the good old days.” Help your “older geeks” connect with the younger crowd, make the effort to build bridges, and of course, pay attention.

(Besides, we older geeks have done all that networking and other things that people tell you to do, so we might just be able to hook you up with all sorts of interesting employment opportunities, if you remind us about it, or bring us coffee to wake us up in the middle of a con.)

The generation gap is real, I see it every time people talk as if anime began with Naruto, or when people can't remember which order the Star Wars movies appeared (and that hurts badly). It's even more important overcome this, because of all the career wisdom we geeks can pass on, or absorbed from her elder geeks. So let's make the effort.

Besides we can all agree on one thing; there should have been only one Highlander film.  That's a good foundation to work with.

Steven Savage

Geeks: Connection and Division

The weird thing about us progeeks? We are busy redefining how the world works, and were not exactly representative of the population.

Think about us. We play video games, read e-books, use social media, surf the web, indulge in assorted fictional exercises, and so on. We're geek–hip, cutting–edge, wired, and on top of the techno-cultural curve.  We often live in megaregions and cities that are where it's all going down, from inventing new tools to Greentech to running the culture engines.

We are defining the world of the future. People love the stuff we work on, from mobile tech, to games, to movies, to websites. When you think about it, it fills you with geek pride.

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Cleantech, Greentech, and Geekery

You may have noticed lately that the News of the Day links that Bonnie and I post sometimes contains sections on Cleantech and Greentech. Now I admit I include those instinctively, but this led me to ask myself an interesting question: are Cleantech and Greentech jobs and careers actually “geeky”? Of course you know I'm going to explore this issue.

So without further ado, let's take a look at the question: are Cleantech and Greentech jobs geeky?

Well, yes they are.

Okay, okay, I have to go into more detail. You're not going to let me get away with it otherwise. So now, let's explore why Cleantech and Greentech jobs are indeed for geeks.

  • They are about science. Science is geeky. Okay, some people may say economics is a science and it's not geeky (or not even a science to some). Me, I argue most sciences are partially or totally geeky. So I'm going to leave it there. We can argue about economics in another post.
  • Cleantech and Greentech involved interesting and unique applications of technology. When you have windows that took themselves, bacteria that make fuel, and all the other wonders of Cleantech and Greentech, these are in credibly geeky.
  • Cleantech and Greentech are about changing the world. Changing the world with cool technology and science is very, very geeky.
  • Cleantech and Greentech involve a lot of imagination. People don't just wake up one day and find ways to use holographic film to improve solar panels. Imagination is very geeky.
  • Finally, Cleantech and Greentech are futuristic. As much as some of us love our dystopian science fiction novels, we'd rather live in a clean bright Star Trek-esque future. Cleantech and Greentech help build that future.

So is Cleantech and Greentech geeky? The answer is simple: hell yes!

Now, assured of being geeks, you scientific types go forth and save us from environmental problems, peak oil, and everything else we've gotten ourselves into. And remember: you are geeks.

Steven Savage