Ask A Progeek: Salary requests?

So man, we keep getting questions – I’d call this idea a success.  So what’s next?

“A lot of these application forms insist you give them a salary expectation.  I was always told not to get into specifics about money until the end of the interview.  I was also always told never to leave anything blank in the application (also, the computerized ones count it as a required field).  So, should I talk about salary during the application or not?  And if not, how do I get around it until it’s time?”

Frankly, unless it’s a low-level job that’s going to pay low/minimum, everyone talks salary.  The key is to know HOW.

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Frustration Friday: Pay Rates, Jealousy, and Hard Truths

Last week I had a nice, relaxing, if organized rant on the economy, the work ethic, and compensation.  I'd like to maintain that moment by looking at something that may be making your Friday a Frustration Friday, but something I've come to accept and understand.

Yes, some people make a lot of money being dishonest jerks and not producing anything.  But many people do get compensated amounts of money others may not like, and at levels that may make others feel that it's unfair.  However, as I've noted, your pay rate isn't always tied to your productivity.

Corrupt money-manipulators and serial liars in business aside, some people are getting paid disproportionate to what they produce, and frankly, there's good reason for this.

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