Business: The Three Areas of Change, Part II

Last post I took a look at the 3 areas of change in the world of business:

The Production Revolution – The fact we can make and publish/produce things easier and without the middlemen of the past, using new middlemen who focus on enabling and connection.

The CorpTechPocalypse – The end of Corporate IT due to SaaS, mobile service, and easy-setup.  This also means setting up a powerful IT system is easy to do.

The Structure Shift – The ability to outsource major parts of an organization, from accounting to physical infrastructure, allows many common business needs to be met easily and cheaply – or become unneeded.

These 3 areas of change are, as noted, areas of opportunities – opportunities to save money, to start your own business with these resources, or even get in on these in your own business.

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Business: The Three Areas of Change

As I see it there are 3 major areas of change in how businesses function in our economy.  These areas of change are going to vastly, vastly affect the kind of world we live and work in.  These transformations will also affect any businesses we found and jobs we have (or don't have).  I want to take a chance to identify these areas of change, how they interact, and what it means for us in two essays.

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