Steve’s Update 6/12/2017

(This column is posted at,, and Steve’s Tumblr)

It’s my weekly Scrum style standup for the audience – and as noted it’s now Monday, which helps a lot.  So where are we?

So what have I done the last week?

  • Way With Worlds Minibook #1: Editing is done and the cover is done!  So now its just time to format it and get ready to publish!
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #2: That’s been sent to the editor, who is paid, so not sure when I’ll get it back.
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #5: This is done.  It’s a book on “Worldbuilding Checkup” and is basically designed as a general coaching guide.
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #6: I’ve started this one, and need to flesh it out a bit more besides the general writing.
  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:” The first draft of the plot is done – in fact, I’m rather pleased with it.  I plan to review it a few more times, but it’s more or less ready to go, so I can tackle Chapter #1 soon!
  • Writing: I’ve queued up my Agile and Writing posts for the week.

What am I going to do this week:

  • Way With Worlds Minibook #1: I’ll be formatting it for publication.  In theory it won’t take too long.
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #6:  Writing more of it, of course!
  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:” I’ll review the plot and maybe start Chapter one.
  • Writing: Obviously queuing up more blog posts.  I’ve got a surprising amount ready.
  • Social: I’ll be speaking at Hydra Comic Con.

Challenges and blockers:

  • My allergies are back, so we’ll see how bad that hits me.
  • I realized I’ve not done any new generators – I might shift some priorities to do a fun one.

– Steve

A Writer’s View: Big Damn Rocks

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

I’ve decided to start blogging my writing findings as I work on my first public fiction novel in ages, “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet.”  Returning to fiction was a bit tough – which surprised me.  I’ve written a lot of stuff over the last 40 years, but not much fiction the last 10 – but I figured all my editing, consulting, short stories, other works, and generator-development would mean I could dive back in.  Boy I was wrong.a

One problem that struck me is what I call “Big Rocks.”  My guess is you suffer from these too.

Ever have an idea, scene, or concept in a story that seems to just resist any change?  Something that seemed unavoidable no matter how much the plot or characters or scenes changed?  A Big Rock in your story is this immovable, immutable, thing that weighs your story down – and you just can’t seem to get rid of it.  Yet at the same time it restricts your ideas and dreams because you just can’t get rid of that Big Rock – it’s part of the story!


I found a huge, huge problem in working on my new novel is that I’d have these great ideas that I’d never get rid of or change as I’d become dedicated to them – meanwhile the story, characters, and setting had evolved beyond them.  I had all these Big Rocks I just wasn’t willing to get rid of, yet all my other great ideas kept running into them.

The solution was to ditch them.  If you have an idea that squashes all your other ideas, this dense ball that distorts the story like a weight on a rubber sheet, that idea is the problem no matter how great it is.

Art is a dialogue, a give-take, a cycle.  Something that stops that cycle by interrupting you constantly is not good.  You’re better off without it and you don’t need it.

We don’t need to cling to our Big Rocks, those giant ideas that limit us.  We need to keep the process of imagination going.  The Big Rocks are best broken down or walked away from – we may find we can make something better from their fragments or return to them with new insights.  Appreciate them, move on, and see what happens next.

– Steve

Steve’s Update 6/5/2017

(This column is posted at,, and Steve’s Tumblr)

It’s my weekly Scrum style standup for the audience – and you’ll notice it’s now Monday.  This is because yes, the week starts Sunday but those updates kind of invited me to move more week stuff into my weekend.  So now updates are Monday..

And now on to what’s up!

What’s Up For The June Sprint?

  • First, Way With Worlds Minibook #1 will drop eom.
  • Speaking at Hydra Comic Con.
  • Finishing the full plot outline and writing the first chapter of “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet” hopefully.
  • Donating some books to libraries.
  • A few social events.

So what have I done the last week?

  • Way With Worlds Minibook #5:  Got behind on this, trying to get back to it.  I think I’m kinda of tired writing these, so maybe book #6 just needs to be done in one go.
  • Social: Finished up Fanime.
  • Her Eternal Moonlight: The sale completed!
  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:” I think I’m back on track.  I’ve got an expanded plot outline done more or less on time.

What am I going to do this week:

  • Way With Worlds Minibook #5:  Try to, well . . . write for it.
  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:” I’m going to finish up the full plot outline – scene for scene – this weekend.  This is the big one.  If I can get this to work I’m ready to write.  Not 100% sure I’ll do it, but let’s give it a shot!
  • Writing: More blog posts – now alternating my agile findings and my writing experiences.

Challenges and blockers:

  • My allergies are back, so we’ll see how bad that hits me.
  • I realized I’ve not done any new generators – I might shift some priorities to do a fun one.

– Steve