Disney, Marvel, Tokyopop, Kodansha, ADV – and more

ADV , anime, comics, Disney, Kodansha, manga, Marvel, Tokyopop

So the Geekonomy has gone bugnuts crazy the last week.  Let's count the ways it changed:

  • Disney bought Marvel, giving them thousands of properties, control
    of more pop culture icons, and an endless parade of bad cartoons of
    Wolverine/Mickey Mouse fusions.
  • Kodansha is ending its licensing deal with Tokyopop.
  • ADV seems to be transferring it's properties to a holding company, making it sound like they're basically dead.

And I was worried about the Everything Wars.

First of all, let me state I DO NOT see this as part of the
Everything Wars – those are battles over technology and access.  THis
is what I've called the Secondary area of the Everything Wars – content.

there's a lot to chew over.  So in this analysis, let me do the chewing
– and figure out what it means for you in your career.

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The Future of Publishing

After reading this article on Michael Stackpoole's ideas about where fiction is going, my usual speculation urges came to the forefront.  I began to wonder what might a viable model be for publishing internet fiction that would go around the big publishers, or at least let one build a reputation and an audience.

Understand of course I am NOT a professional writer (I've been published professionally, which is no where near the same).  This is pure geek theory, so take it as you will, and make sure that grain of salt has friends.

So, here goes – what I see as a viable model for fiction publishing in the future.

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