Way With Worlds: Recording Your World


[Way With Worlds appears at Seventh Sanctum at at MuseHack]

So you want to build a nice detailed setting. You are ready to keep a record of everything so you review and expand your work. You’re ready to dive into this and put your world to pen, keyboard, map, and file.

This raises the question of just how you record everything.

If you’ve ever visited a fan wiki or purchased one of those “world of . . .” books that attempts to distill a novel or series of novels into a record of that universe, you know there is a lot of data. It can be a little daunting because when you want to create your setting in detail, really get into it, and you’re basically creating one of those. On your own. Along with writing your story or stories.  It’s a bit daunting

What’s the best way to do it?

Well, that’s actually several questions. So let’s get to them.

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Way With Worlds: Recording Your World


[Way With Worlds appears at Seventh Sanctum at at MuseHack]

So you want to build a nice detailed setting. You are ready to keep a record of everything so you review and expand your work. You’re ready to dive into this and put your world to pen, keyboard, map, and file.

This raises the question of just how you record everything.

If you’ve ever visited a fan wiki or purchased one of those “world of . . .” books that attempts to distill a novel or series of novels into a record of that universe, you know there is a lot of data. It can be a little daunting because when you want to create your setting in detail, really get into it, and you’re basically creating one of those. On your own. Along with writing your story or stories.  It’s a bit daunting

What’s the best way to do it?

Well, that’s actually several questions. So let’s get to them.

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Guest Post: Why I need Bender as my Literary Agent

Carrie_Bailey(Guest post by Carrie Bailey)

I write. Some people would say I’m a self-published author looking to go the traditional route with my next book, but I like to think of my self as an amateur author ready to go pro. Why not? I need the money. Yeah, I know, it is possible to build up an author platform and market your books yourself, but the process is time consuming. Sure, absolutely, I’m indie until I die, but I also want to sell out so I can afford to stay indie on my time off when I’m not busy selling out.

That’s why I need Bender to be my literary agent. I realize he is fictional. I haven’t lost touch with reality – no. And, yes, I am aware his work experience involves bending, drinking, smoking, and sitting around a delivery warehouse. And I’m sure he doesn’t spend all too much time reading, but in my Futurama loving heart, he’s the right robot for the job.

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