Steve’s Update 10/19/2019

(This column is posted at  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Whew! Life is a bit calmer here so let’s get to the update on my projects! Less than I’d like, more than I expected!

So what have I done since last time?

  • Way With Worlds: The new book has been outlined – I’m covering Gods and Deities as that’s a popular subject – and one that deserves more coverage if only because its too easy to resort to tropes.
  • Chance’s Muse: Is in the first run edit! If all goes well, I can still drop it late November/early December!
  • A School Of Many Futures: I’m back to writing, doing a mix of writing and editing to get my mojo going. September 2020 looks likely, but maybe I can catch up! It’s definitely a hell of a lot better than the first draft, and bluntly, better than my first book – by chapter two our cast is dealing with a troubled teenager from a magical bloodline, and by chapter three or four we get our first mysterious death . . .
  • Seventh Sanctum: Still not a lot of progress on Python. I feel bad I’ve ignored this, but as the site is doing its job, being a few months behind or not dropping a generator for awhile is OK. I have plotted a few possible generators beyond the idea stage

What’s next?

  • Way With Worlds: I plan to start working on the new book next week!
  • Chance’s Muse: Finish up two runs of editing. At that point it’s ready to format (and hopefully that goes well)
  • A School Of Many Futures: Continue to work on Chapters 1 and 2 until my creativity is working again, then dive into writing like crazy.
  • Seventh Sanctum: Keep pushing to get back on track! Finishing Chance’s Muse may help.
  • General: I’m trying an evolved version of my current planning technique, which I call “Nested Scrum.” This should reduce context-shifting and stress!

Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 2/24/2019

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Here’s what’s going on with my projects!

So what have I done the last week?

  • Agile Creativity: The print copy of the book should be done this week – I have the (hopeful) last draft in the mail.
  • Way With Worlds: The city book has more questions entered. Really, not sure how much to update.
  • Brainstorm Book: The Brainstorm Book is out! – and it’s got wide distribution!
  • Seventh Sanctum: I’ve got the new Elemental Monster generator out! On top of that I’ve updated the Nexus with more creative resources!
  • Expanded Distribution: I’ve been expanding the distribution of my books, starting with Epic Resume Go! By the way it takes a week or two for a book to hit all markets, so be warned.

What’s next?

  • Agile Creativity: I’ll sign off on the print book this week (hopefully early)
  • Way With Worlds: The new book will go to the editor end of this week! So get ready for a new one end of the month of March!
  • Seventh Sanctum: Probably a bit of a break.
  • Expanded Distribution I will keep moving more books to wide distribution!

Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 10/13/2018

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

My weekly update.  Sadly not too exciting because . . . well, editing.

So what have I done the last week?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:  Editing away, and two more chapters to go!
  • Way With Worlds: Writing away as well on the organization book (still due November, but we’ll see).  This one is turning out surprisingly good as, well, I manage professionally.
  • Other: Not too many other updates here because of my focus on the novel.  More on that below.

What am I going to do this week?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: Finish editing the chapters and probably posting most of them for betas.  Then gear up for a “polishing” readthrough.
  • Way With Worlds: Writing of course!

Long-term, I’ve learned a few things on my writing from the novel.  I share this as my status updates make them clear:

  • First, I do best with a good outline – then just vomiting things onto the page.  This works in fiction and in my nonfiction.
  • Secondly, things like Grammarly and other editing programs are absolute godsends.  They are best used as early as possible.
  • Third, I think in the future I will alternate between “doing several things” and “focusing on one thing,” not one or the other.  For instance, the novel would be better written in a fast vomit draft then edited, but except for that “vomit phase” I’d be better off doing two things at once to keep my mind fresh.

Steven Savage